K-12 Violence Prevention Education

For over a decade our education team has helped schools meet the Erin’s Law education mandate by providing sexual abuse prevention education in grades K-12. Our prevention education does not stop there – we can offer and develop programming for K-12 students to supplement their social emotional learning, relationship development, or to respond to complaints or concerns about student culture and behaviors.

We can present engaging sessions in school, after school programs, and community groups on topics such as:

  • Child sexual abuse prevention, safe touches (meeting the Erin’s Law mandate)

  • Sexual assault, abuse, and consent

  • Identifying and negotiating boundaries

  • Sexual harassment and bystander intervention

  • Domestic violence, warning signs, and accessing resources

  • Healthy relationship skills

  • Needs specific to your school or program

The YWCA is committed to serving the community and providing education to youth and young adults that are looking to learn about domestic violence and resources for prevention. We are able to meet the specific needs and requests of groups or organizations to provide or assist in developing various educational and prevention programs.

The Clothesline Project

The Clothesline Project is a visual display of violence statistics and stories from survivors of violence. Each shirt is made by a survivor of violence or by someone who has lost a loved one to violence. The display has corresponding sounds to demonstrate the rate and prevalence of various forms of violence.

The YWCA has a series of shirts that have been designed by survivors in our shelter. The display can be requested with YWCA assistance to raise awareness and provide information on community resources.

Contact Hannah Gunter, Violence Prevention Training Manager, for more information.